CyanogenMod 10.2/Android 4.3.1 for the ZTE P752D/Vodafone SmartChat 865
Since the predecessor to this device – the ZTE Tureis – finally broke down, I had to get my act together and fix up all of my code I started back in 2014.
It’s finally done! You can get CyanogenMod 10.2 for the Vodafone SmartChat 865 further below. Please don’t ask about Android 5 or KitKat. KitKat may be technically possible, but I’d have to fix the network functions of the device again. Also, the device doesn’t have enough space for Android 5. So this will probably the first and the last Android version for it.
Features (compared to the stock ROM):
– removed ugly Vodafone branding
– no Google apps (more freedom with F-Droid and more RAM/battery)
– new graphics drivers from ZTE N880 (with VSync)
– Keyboard backlight always works and not just when it wants to
– higher sensitivity in light sensor
– more RAM and more free space
– CPU overclocked by default (ramps up to 1GHz when needed)
– finger friendly (swapped out camera key with ALT key)
– more kernel functions (governors, schedulers, ZRAM)
– manual network search not working – fixed in v1.1
– Camera broken
– no CVE-fixes yet. OpenSSL is vulnerable + Shellshock bug is present – fixed in v1.1
How to install:
1. Make sure you are running the latest version of the stock rom: V03A. If you don’t, get an update here:
Copy the ZIP file to your SD card. You can apply the update by pressing VOL UP while powering the device on.
2. Root the device and install ClockworkMod:
Read the instructions on how to do so here.
3. Extract the following ZIP file onto your SD card, into the directory /clockworkmod/backup/.
You can then press VOL UP while powering the device on and use the restore function to install CyanogenMod.
CM10.2 – v1.0 – Download
CM10.2 – v1.1 – Download | Update ZIP
– Activated automatic brightness
– Fixed manual network search
– Fixed 2G/3G data connection (sorry 🙁 )
– Fixed Shellshock security issue
– Fixed Heartbleed security issue
– applied the following CVE-Fixes:
CVE-2013-2596 (Motochopper Pwn)
CVE-2014-3153 (Towelroot)
CM10.2 – v1.2 – Download | Update ZIP
– removed apps that are available in F-Droid
– fixed the following security issues:
CM10.2 – v1.3 – Download | Update ZIP
– audio recorder isn’t freezing anymore
– activated Low Power Audio
– low pop noises happening more rarely
– support for more audio and video formats (Youtube HD)
– LiveWallpapers re-integrated
– integrated a better patch for the Stagefright security issue
– added an app for locking the screen in landscape mode
Have fun! 🙂
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