Download whole directory as a zip file (Apache2)
If you’re hosting many little files but don’t want to setup GIT/rsync/FTP etc. for other people, Apache and CGI may just suit you perfectly. Or any other webserver out there which is able to handle CGI.
This little bash script can be copied into the according directory hosting the file and replaces the default “Index of” view on Apache with my alternative. The script prints out file and folder sizes, fulltext filenames and ZIP download buttons. Additionally, the content of a README file inside the directory is displayed on top of the file tree.
#!/bin/bash export Filename="$(pwd|sed -e 's,.*/,,').zip" if test "$QUERY_STRING" == zip; then echo Content-type: application/zip echo "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$Filename" echo zip -9Dx index.cgi - * elif test "$QUERY_STRING" == fullzip; then echo Content-type: application/zip echo "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$Filename" echo cd .. ; zip -9rx *index.cgi - "$(echo "$Filename"|sed -e s/.zip$//)" else echo "Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8" echo echo "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Index of: "$(pwd|sed -e 's,.*/,,')"" echo "</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><A HREF="..">Go up</A> |" echo "<A HREF="./?zip">ZIP of current dir</A> |" echo "<A HREF="./?fullzip">ZIP of all subdirs</A><BR>" cat README|sed '{:q;N;s/n/<BR>/g;t q}' echo "<h2>Index of: "$(pwd|sed -e 's,.*/,,')"</h2><UL>" for N in *; do if [ $N != "index.cgi" ] then echo "<LI><A HREF="$N">$N</A> ($(du -hs "$N"|cut -f1))</LI>" fi done echo "</UL></BODY></HTML>" fi
The Apache config just needs this afterwards:
<Directory /var/www/html>; DirectoryIndex index.cgi AddHandler cgi-script .cgi Options +ExecCGI </Directory>
It is also possible to just add +FollowSymLinks in the Apache config and automatically populate symlinks pointing to the actual index.cgi file:
for N in $(find . -type d); do ln -s /source/index.cgi $N/index.cgi; done
However I am using SUExec and it doesn’t work with that – logically. I had to copy the index.cgi into every directory and set the rights accordingly:
for N in $(find . -type d); do cp /source/index.cgi $N/index.cgi; done for N in $(find . -type d); do chmod +x $N/index.cgi; done for N in $(find . -type d); do chown user:users $N/index.cgi; done
Adding this into a cronjob would make perfect sense, if the directories change very often.
Credit go to the Linux Gazette for the basic idea. Here in action.
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